Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trees are Jerks

Seriously. They're too tall, you can't trust them. Fun to paint the limbs, but the leaves are unspeakably bothersome. Felt like reattempting the environment of a painting I did a couple years ago, as a speed paint. It was supposed to be the tree of knowledge, hanging over a pit of lava. I haven't really looked at the old painting yet for comparison's sake - I hope it's at least a bit of an improvement.


On that note, I'm considering moving onto the next entry (number four) of the biblical series I've been doing since I started college. I generally did one a year, and I did start on one last year, but grew disenchanted with it before I was able to finish. Not completely sure if I'll pick up where I left off, but I've been reading wikipedia articles on biblical myth again lately. Samael and Lilith are definitely quite inspiring.

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