Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm getting tired of painting latex now...

So maybe tomorrow night I'll try something else. Perhaps something less like a big shiny ass. Ugh, I can't wait until tomorrow night, though. I finished most of the stressful bits of this week (essay proposal due tomorrow, but I handed it in already - although technically I was granted a five day extension, putting the due date to Tuesday). Still have to give a presentation tomorrow, but the slides and whatnot are all prepared. That is all.

Oh wait! One more thing. I finally decided to buy my art history course's textbook today. $185! Over two hundred at the campus book store, thankfully amazon had it for a bit cheaper. But still - before this, the most expensive textbook I'd purchased was around $100. Had better be worth it. Definitely couldn't put it off any longer though, since I've got a midterm on the subject at the end of this month.

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