Thursday, March 15, 2012

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Truly a classic - the gameplay is boring, it's riddled with bugs, and much of the cities get repetitive very quickly, but my god, I love this game. I played it first a few years ago - I can't remember when, but it must have been at least two and a half years. I found it painfully frustrating at times, but I adored it for the characters and the brilliant voice acting, both of which really brought the entire world to life.

Now, it was on steam a week or so ago, so I picked it up for something like five dollars. I was dying to play it, but unfortunately, the last week had me working like a dog on senior project, since approval for participation in the senior project fair was to be granted yesterday based on a demo to a couple of profs. Our demo was buggy as hell, didn't entirely work, but somehow we got in.

But back to my main point - I finally got to play it yesterday evening, after a four hour nap (prior to that, I'd been awake all night, working a total of 19 hours on senior project without a wink of sleep). Just as good as I remembered. There are a whole slew of things that I wish could be improved, but at the end of the day, this game is eight years old, and it is still fantastic. They really put such a wealth of effort and money into the story and characters, and all the tiny details that give the impression that you've entered a real universe. It almost makes me want to step back and work on a game with graphics that are considered sub-par today, and gameplay that is painfully simple.

Anyways, so I put the game down for a few hours and started sketching out a scene - needless to say, it was way more sexually charged than I've attempted in a long time. I only really explored a progression based on a single thumbnail, but I wasn't really sure what direction to take with it. I want to keep the characters clothed, but I'm afraid it might seem unnatural and out of place. Maaan, I donno.

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