Saturday, May 5, 2012

Come At Me, Son

For the time being, this is what I'm working on - a depiction of a scene from the first era of Anathema Online... Sort of. The fight between King Hyacinth and the disinherited rebel, Prince Ezra during the final attack on Avaricia during the Pyrean War. Originally, it was another character (named Scythes) who actually fought against Hyacinth, but as Ian has been rewriting the history, there's been a lot of shuffling of characters and facts. Many characters were cut or merged, resulting in a much tidier (and more logical) progression of events.

For now, I'm mostly satisfied with the composition below. I've undoubtedly taken a lot of liberties with Ezra's character - I can't even remember what he looked like originally, and I don't particularly care. He started off as a self-important princeling, so I wanted to reflect a serious change by giving him a relatively beefy musculature, as well as a noble warrior's tail. Of course, to mark the event itself, I definitely want to include a view of Avaricia in flames through the tall (and broken) windows.

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